Our enlargers are able to print in any format from 35mm to 8x10 sheet film and we can gang print an entire roll of 35mm or 120 format film. Our sink will hold a set of trays up to 20x24. We supply the chemicals and you supply the paper.
If you wish to process your own film, we have 35mm, 120, and 220 reels and a JOBO processor able to run 4x5, 5x7, or 8x10 sheet film. We supply the basic chemicals and you supply any special developers and negative sleeves.
We have a copy stand able to shoot 4x5 analog film and/or hold an analog roll film camera. It will also support a digital camera which will allow you to turn flat art as large as 16x20 into a digital file.
We make black and white fiber or RC prints to your exact specifications and / or process any format black and white film in any developer that you wish. We can process your film as requested (Normal, Push or Pull) and use any developer that you desire (subject to availability). If you require contact sheets in any size from 8.5x11 to 20x24 we can do that for you in our Anti Newton Glass contact frames and 8x10 Durst negative carrier. All contact sheets are made by directly contacting the film to the paper thus avoiding any distortion that might be created by the negative sleeves.
We are able to Tone the prints or print them on warm tone or cold tone paper as required. One of our printers is also a master at Lith printing a technique not readily available in the area.
We are in the process of developing a brick and mortar photo gallery. In the meantime, you can view the online gallery of featured client's work.